If you have visited all the subpages on our website – there is the last but most important one: contact. It will make your holiday, vacation or just a short break a great adventure, in which we’re going to be the best host and you our most valuable guest! We promise not to disappoint you.
Jan Kolenak
Zellermoosstraße 75 5700 Zell am
See Mobil: +43664 / 5001987
Tel. 0043 6542 / 57113
Fax. 0043 6542 / 53362
E-Mail: info@milan-zellamsee.at
Bankové Spojenie:
Konto-Nr: 600512341 BLZ: 19530 IBAN: AT581953000600512341 SWIFT/BIC: SPAEAT2S